i have this weird theory…

Have you ever dressed up for a random task cuz a wild hair just made you really go for it?

Like wearing your bridesmaid’s dress from your best friend’s wedding to the grocery store?


Just me?

I have this theory…

I used to do this thing — ok still do this thing — where I completely wig out with excitement about the opportunity to wear something out of my everyday rotation, and the simple act of getting dressed turns into what my husband calls “an episode." It's like a little fashion elemental takes me over and I get a surge of inspiration simply from the unusual context.

You know those cooking shows where they're like, “Okay, today you get lamb shanks, za'tar, broccoli rabe, here's an ice cream maker, and you have 30 minutes!”…and then all the chefs make something totally insane and really good?

My episodes are like that, but with clothes.

Firday night’s episode:

Husband’s Birthday // Cowboy Steakhouse // With My Parents // 1 Hour.

Back to my theory though…

I decided to water the garden having a little time to kill after I was dressed, and it was w i l d l y  d e l i g h t f u l to step into our vibrant patch of veggies and flowers in my outrageous platform heels, with my 1950's Etra cage purse hanging from my wrist!

It was like how I imagine time traveling must feel. 

Or at the very least, on par with the first slurp of a frozen margarita on beach day.

If you hadn't guessed, life in my little one horse town doesn't beg for full-beat looks very often. And I reckon that's true for many of us in this virtual age. So my theory is, if that's the sort of thing that can bum you out, get hella dressed up and go water the garden. It's way helpful.


end of summer link roundup 2023