How to know when it’s time to edit your closet

My summer projects are starting to morph into a waving hand slowly sinking in a pool of water. Know what I mean? (Pardon the grim analogy.) If you're in the Midwest like me you're probably welcoming the cooler temps and happily showing your jorts to a storage bin. I love that for us, but my guilt for all the outdoor projects still waiting on that cathartic strikethrough is PALPABLE.

On a good note though, I purged my closet over the weekend and in case you needed some fire under your ass to do the same, or do anything at all, here are some hot takes on closet clean-outs…

3 signs it’s time to clean out your closet

This one usually rings true for two different kinds of folks. First, is all of you “last minute” shoppers. You scramble at the eleventh hour to find something for a special occasion or event, you even double-up on options, yet still, you end up wearing something you already have because your procrastination has also swallowed up your nerve. Over time this inevitably amounts to things in your closet that you forgot you had. (And things you've never even worn.)

If you're in this first camp, not only is it probably time for a solid clean-out, but you likely also check boxes for someone who would benefit from getting clear on what your personal style even is.  


This may also be true for peeps who love to shop. You add pieces several times a year, you're in tune with the latest trends, and you act on those whims of inspiration. But your ideas are fleeting and you have an abundance of pieces you've worn only once or maybe not even ever. Your wardrobe offers more choices than you can reasonably consider and it's time for some things to go, you can't argue.

Okay, I know many of you feel me on this one. What is with that shirt that catches your eye every couple months and you go, “Oh hey! This is so cute, why don't I wear it!?” And then you get it on your body and you're like, “Oh yeah, this is why.” Whatever the why is, even if it's inexplicable, that shit's gotta go.

Something you love on the hanger, but not on your body does not deserve to be weird, bummer art taking up precious real estate in your closet. And most definitely not if it comes with deja vu. Chuck it. Stop putting it back on a hanger.

Listen, I totally get it. I've been guilty of this myself. And no matter which way this rings true for you, either sizes that are now too big, or sizes that are now too small, they gotta go and here's why:

They're funking with your confidence.


It's a slippery slope, aiming to fit into those old jeans. The self talk on such a journey usually isn't peppered with much grace. And the farther away you move from whatever size that is and was, the more harmful our thoughts can be when considering our former selves.

If you've lost weight but don't trust yourself to be consistent with a new routine or lifestyle, that ain't fair to yourself. And if you've gained weight and feel like your body isn't good enough, hanging onto clothing as a “reminder” to get back to a certain number is not very nice when you unpack that logic either. You deserve a healthy discourse in supporting your physical health, and your mental health has everything to do with that. Send those ghosts packing. Get some jeans that fit.

Be nice to yourself.

Interested in some support as you clean out your closet or invest in new pieces?


Looking to get clear on your personal vibe and style?

Hit me up, it’s what I’m here for!


3 Reasons to hire a personal stylist


end of summer link roundup 2023